How much leave am I entitled to under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act?
If you are an "FMLA-eligible" Team Member, you may be entitled for up to 12 weeks of FMLA leave within a “rolling” a 12-month period.
Am I considered a “FMLA-eligible” Team Member?
You may be eligible for FMLA if all the below criteria are met:
- You have been employed with SAGE for at least 12 months
- You have worked at least 1,250 hours within the 12 months prior to the start of the leave
- SAGE employs at least 50 Team Members within a 75-mile radius of your Venue.
Does the time I take off for vacation, sick leave or any other PTO count toward the 1,250 hours?
No. The 1,250 hours include only those hours actually worked for SAGE.
Is SAGE required to pay me when I take FMLA leave?
- FMLA is unpaid leave. Team Members with at least one year of full time service may be eligible for short term disability benefits if their leave is due to their own health condition.
- SAGE requires that you use all of your accrued vacation and sick time during your FMLA leave if you are not eligible for Short-Term Disability or if your Short-Term Disability Benefits have been exhausted.
- You should follow the Company’s normal call-out procedures for all scheduled shifts until your FMLA is approved.
If I am eligible, what are the reasons I can use FMLA leave?
FMLA can be used for the following reasons:
- Birth or adoption of a child; The placement a child for foster care; Or to bond with a child within the first 12 months after the birth, adoption or placement for foster care
- To provide care, including emotional support, for an immediate family member with a serious health condition; Immediate family is considered your spouse, child under the age of 18, or parent (not a parent “in-law”)
- For your own serious health condition that makes you unable to perform the essential functions of your job.
- For any qualifying exigency arising when a spouse, son, daughter, or parent is a military member on covered active duty or called to covered active duty status.
Can SAGE count leave used due to my pregnancy complications against the 12 weeks of FMLA?
- Yes. You may be eligible for a total of 12 weeks of family medical leave in a “rolling” 12-month period. If you use this time for another covered reason, including leave taken during pregnancy, that time may be counted as part of the 12-week FMLA leave.
What and when do I need to tell SAGE if I plan to take FMLA leave?
- SAGE requires that you provide 30-day advance notice of your need to take FMLA leave when this need is foreseeable and/or known in advance.
- When your need for leave is not foreseeable or unknown in advance, SAGE requires that you provide notice as soon as practicable, generally, within 2 business day of knowing that you will need leave.
- You must provide sufficient information to SAGE in order for the company to reasonably determine whether the FMLA may apply to your leave request.
If I am unable to work because of a work-related injury or illness (workers’ compensation) can SAGE count this time off against my available FMLA leave?
- Yes, in most instances. According to the SAGE FMLA policy, FMLA leave and workers’ compensation leave will run concurrently, when the reason for the absence is due to your serious illness or injury.
What happens if my state also has a separate FMLA regulation that provides for job protected leave?
- If allowed, your state FMLA time will run concurrently (at the same time) as your federal FMLA leave.
For more information, please see the FMLA policy as stated in the Team Handbook.